Think about your school. What is one thing that you would like change. Would you like to learn about different things? Maybe you think school should only be open 3 days a week?
Dear Mr Hendricks
This is a letter to tell you what I would like to change and I promise it is a good thing. See I really think that there should be self defense classes. Why? well, on the news there have been attempted abductions and I really think self defense classes will come in handy if one of the students are in trouble. I know it may cost money to get self defense teachers to come to our school which is why I would be happy to help pay if you consider doing this. Im also wanting this because the parents, it would obviously be a huge loss if they ever lost their child. If you think about students would learn more and enjoy their time. I am sure that some of the teachers and students will agree with me. When you have made your mind up please tell me, whatever decision you make I will respect it.
From: Jolie
Hello, Jolie,
I've got to say, you've written a profound, in-depth, and dignified letter! I feel as though this would prove beneficial for students in the situation where they would need it. What a great effort!
Kia Ora Jolie,
Wow amazing work. Do you have any defense moves that you could use in this situation? Keep up the amazing work friend
Hey Jolie
I can see that you have tried very hard to persuade Mr Hendricks. You look like you got your points over to Mr Hendricks. If you had a buddy to test your skills out on, who would it be and why??
Hey Jolie , I'm LJ from Tamaki Primary School . Just like to say , Great work on the learning journey . Week three . Just one more week and you're finished . I like your blog post and your letter about self defense classes . You make a good point and I like how you have backed up your statement on self defense . Maybe some time that could happen . Just wondering . What could you teach everyone about self defense?
Greetings there Jolie,
My name is Aletheia and I attend to Tamaki Primary School and I am also one of the students doing the summer learning journey and have finished.
I think you have did a amazing job on writing down your letter to your Principal in telling her/him of what needs to change.
Great job I really think your Principal will enjoy reading this letter that you have written down for him.
Kia Ora Willy
Thank you for your comment,
Kia Ora Mya
Thank you for your comment. My defense move would be to strike a punch. Have a great holiday:)
Kia Ora Vedel
Thank you for your comment, my defense buddy would be a professional the reason why is because I wouldn't want to make a wrong move and hurt someone. Have a great holiday :)
Kia Ora
Kia Ora L.J thank you for your comment. I would teach to only use it if you the student is actually in danger. Have a great holiday :)
Kia Ora Aletheia
Thank you for your comment. Have a great holiday :)
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