
Friday 16 September 2016

Venus Flytrap.

Venus Flytrap

The venus flytrap is an extraordinary plant.
It is a carnivorous, (flesh eating) plant which can
digest flies and other insects.
When the ‘trap’ is open, it looks like a large seashell with
sharp spiky ‘teeth’.
It has bright colours and beautiful scent.
Insects are attracted to the plant because of its vibrant and
its sweet-scented nectar.
The insects land on the small ‘trigger’ hairs of the trap and
this pressure causes the trap to close. If the insect is too small,
the chamber will not close
because there is not enough pressure.Once the trap has swallowed
an insect it takes 10 days to digest it. The venus
flytrap prefers tropical weather and so it
is found in places like South America.
It is often used by people to catch annoying insects that
fly around their houses.
In my opinion it’s a very useful plant! By Bradley Aldous.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Matilda the cat.

Matilda was only a little kitten when the nice couple
adopted her from a hoarder,
She was perfectly normal in all respects except
she had one eye that would squint occasionally.
Didn’t seem like anything to worry about. They named the
cat Matilda and got on with the daily life of being pet parents.
Her humans told people pets that right around her first birthday,
Matilda’s right pupil became enlarged. Really enlarged.
So enlarged that it alarmed them to the point where
Matilda was rushed to a vet.By the time they got to the vet’s office,
her eye looked normal again. This happened again and after
another unsuccessful trip to the vet, Matilda was taken for a second
opinion and given test for everything.

I choose this because it was very very interesting.