
Tuesday 2 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey week 2 day 5 activity 1

After six long years of fighting, World War II finally came to an end in 1945. The entire country was ecstatic and parties were thrown all over New Zealand to celebrate VE Day (Victory in Europe). Imagine that you were living in New Zealand in 1945 and you had to plan a VE day party at your house. Who would you invite? What would you do to celebrate?

I would invite my friends and family aunty's house and we could go bombing of the Pakowhai ki Otutaopuku Bridge. We could also play water polo and have a BBQ on the grass. We could enjoy the warm weather and look at the clouds, play music and dance,play and seek,tag,touch.


Unknown said...

Hey Jolie
I can really see the all of the hard work that you have put into this activity. I also am doing the summer learning journey on my blog. What was your favrioute part about this activity? Why?

Nicky Bloy said...

Hey Jolie!

Wow! That sounds like such a wonderfully fun celebration - I'd probably do the same thing!It sounds like the perfect summer afternoon in Aotearoa! I love our culture of being in the water, having BBQ's, being with family and playing sports during the summer time! I hope I'd be invited to your VE Day celebration ;)

Nicky :)

jolie said...
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jolie said...

Kia Ora Harrison

Thank you for your comment, my favourite part was telling everyone how my family and I celebrate. Have a great holiday:)

jolie said...

Kia Ora Nicky

Thank you for your comment, my family would love to invite you to our VE day celebration. Have a great holiday :)

Nicky Bloy said...

Hey Jolie!

Oh that's so kind, Jolie, thank you :)

Enjoy the rest of your holiday, too!


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