
Thursday 8 September 2016

Matilda the cat.

Matilda was only a little kitten when the nice couple
adopted her from a hoarder,
She was perfectly normal in all respects except
she had one eye that would squint occasionally.
Didn’t seem like anything to worry about. They named the
cat Matilda and got on with the daily life of being pet parents.
Her humans told people pets that right around her first birthday,
Matilda’s right pupil became enlarged. Really enlarged.
So enlarged that it alarmed them to the point where
Matilda was rushed to a vet.By the time they got to the vet’s office,
her eye looked normal again. This happened again and after
another unsuccessful trip to the vet, Matilda was taken for a second
opinion and given test for everything.

I choose this because it was very very interesting.


Unknown said...

hey jolie i think next time you should write a little more like a couple more paragraphs but overall u were good!

Unknown said...

hey jolie i think next time you should write a little more like a couple more paragraphs but overall u were good!

Unknown said...

Stop playing funky Karts and do your work

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